Configuring Hadouken


Hadouken is configured by editing the hadouken.json file. JSON is a simple structured format and is easily hand-edited using your favourite text editor.

See the list below for where your configuration file is.

  • Windows (installed): C:/ProgramData/Hadouken/hadouken.json
  • Windows (command line): %CWD%/hadouken.json


Before making changes, stop Hadouken. Otherwise, Hadouken will overwrite your changes.


The configuration examples below only shows the JSON you need to change in order for the setting to have effect. Hadouken will fail to start if hadouken.json contains invalid JSON.

BitTorrent configuration


By default, Hadouken will use port 6881 for BitTorrent communications.

    "listenPort": 6881

Activating GeoIP location

GeoIP is activated by downloading and extracting the MaxMind GeoLite Country database.

    "geoIpFile": "C:/Data/GeoIP.dat"

Anonymous mode

Activating anonymous mode will make Hadouken try to hide its identity to a certain degree. The peer ID will no longer include the fingerprint, the user agent when announcing to trackers will be an empty string. It will also try to not leak other identifying information, such as local listen ports, your IP, etc.


Activating anonymous mode may have an impact on your ability to connect to private trackers, which uses the peer ID and user agent to identify white-listed clients.

    "anonymousMode": true

Disabling DHT

      "enabled": false


The routers are ignored if DHT is disabled.

Seed goals

Each torrent in Hadouken can be paused or removed when it reaches the user-specified seed goals. If no default options are specified, the seed goal is set to 2.0 however no action is configured.

To pause torrents when they have been seeded 200% or for 5 hours (18 000 seconds), use the configuration below.


Only torrents added after the configuration change will get the new default options. Each torrent remembers its own options.

      "seedRatio": 2.0,
      "seedTime": 18000,
      "seedAction": "pause"

Available actions are,

  • pause
  • remove

Storage allocation

There are two modes in which files can be allocated on disk, full allocation or sparse allocation. Sparse allocation is the recommended, and default, setting.

  • In sparse allocation mode, sparse files are used, and pieces are downloaded directly where they belong.
  • In full allocation mode, the entire file is filled with zeros before anything is downloaded. The files are allocated on demand, the first time anything is written to them. This avoids heavily fragmented files.

By setting the sparse flag to false, Hadouken will use full allocation. Changing this setting will only affect new torrents.

      "sparse": false

HTTP configuration


To configure your username and password, the keys http.auth.basic.userName and http.auth.basic.password are used.

        "userName": "YOUR-USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR-PASSWORD"

Changing port

By default, the HTTP server will listen on port 7070. This can be changed from the installer or the configuration file. The example below will change the listen port to 8880.

    "port": 8880

Enabling HTTPS

By default, HTTPS is disabled. However, enabling it is as easy as generating a private key file and adding the required configuration.

      "enabled": true,
      "privateKeyFile": "C:/Keys/my-private-key.pem",
      "privateKeyPassword": "my-password"


Using a private key which is not trusted by the client computer may generate warnings and errors in the client browser. To avoid problems, add the public key to your client system.

Custom root path

To support advanced proxy scenarios, Hadouken supports customization of the root path for the HTTP server. The default behavior is to serve requests from the root /.

The example below will change this to let you serve requests from /hadouken, which means you will reach the API at /hadouken/api and the GUI at /hadouken/gui.

    "root": "/hadouken"