Configuring RSS


Hadouken can monitor and download torrents from various RSS feeds and also filter any items against regular expressions.

Monitoring a feed

The simplest RSS configuration will monitor and download all items from a specified feed.

      "url":    "",
      "filter": "*"

RegExp filters

Each feed can be configured with a regular expression (ECMAScript syntax) to include and exclude any items. The following filter will include items with 720p in the name, and exclude NUKED items.

The exclude filter is optional.

      "url":    "",
      "filter": [ "regex", "720p", "NUKED" ]

Feed options

There are a few options you can configure for each feed, such as save path and TTL (poll rate).

Save path

      "url": "",
        "savePath": "C:/Downloads/from-some-rss"


Use this option with care - it is not nice to hammer feeds just to get an early start. The ttl value indicates the poll rate in minutes.

      "url": "",
      "ttl": 2


The dry-run option will stop any torrents from getting added to Hadouken and instead output information about the item in the log file. This can be used to debug regular expression filters.

      "url": "",
        "dryRun": true