Configuring AutoAdd


The AutoAdd extension monitors a list of directories and automatically adds any torrent files it finds. You can provide a regular expression (ECMAScript syntax) as well as specify save path and tags for the torrent it matches.

Enabling AutoAdd

      "enabled": true

Monitoring a folder

This shows the simplest configuration needed to monitor a folder. The default pattern will add any files with a .torrent extension. If you do not specify a save path, the default save path will be used.

      "enabled": true,
        { "path": "C:/Torrents" }

Matching with patterns

One of the more powerful features of AutoAdd is the ability to match torrent files with a regular expression. You can, for example, match any Debian files and save them to their own folder. The pattern below will match all file names starting with debian- and ending with a .torrent extension, and save them to C:/Downloads/Debian ISOs.

      "enabled": true,
          "path":     "C:/Torrents",
          "pattern":  "^debian-.*\\.torrent$",
          "savePath": "C:/Downloads/Debian ISOs"

Adding tags

The AutoAdd extension also supports tagging torrents. Tags provide a simple categorization system for torrents, and other extensions can use tags to apply their own set of rules. The configuration below will monitor a folder and add two tags to each torrent it finds.

      "enabled": true,
          "path": "C:/Torrents",
          "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ]

Adding a label

      "enabled": true,
          "path": "C:/Torrents",
          "label": "my-awesome-label"

Keeping .torrent files after adding

When using a utility such as Ketarin or other automated software downloading utility, it may be more beneficial to keep the .torrent file in your autoadd path to prevent your software re-downloading the .torrent with every run.

      "enabled": true,
          "path": "C:/Torrents",
          "keep": true